How Do You Want to Feel?

How Do You Want to Feel?

I’ve been spending a lot of time lately feeling into what it means to love my body, to truly love it, all of it.
I am familiar with the resistance I feel to this, to loving all of me. The wrinkles and the curves and the parts that don’t fit like they used to.
The pressure to be different.

But how do I want to live?
What’s on the other side of fully embracing this gorgeous miracle of life that exists within and without this body?
Wouldn’t I rather see what’s on the other side of holding judgetments and pain and self-loathing?
Wouldn’t it be cool to see if there is more freedom, lightness and joy just on the other side of this baggage I’m bringing to my mirror?

I find so much love for my body when I feel into what does feel good.
I find so much compassion for my body when I see how solidly I am built and how well my body adapts and restores itself.
My body is strong, able and alive.
My body loves to move, to move gently, to move regularly and to play.

What do you want to do today, body?
How do you want to feel?

The body speaks and I listen,
I can feel the relationship of being in my body and connecting back into my self.
Gentle, witnessing awareness.

Thank you, body.
Thank you for your patience as I learn to love all the parts of you!

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