The Power of Practice

The Power of Practice

Have you ever noticed yourself slipping into routines and patterns?

Whether it’s a way that you sort through your worry in your mind, finding yourself stuck in thought or attached to a certain way of doing things, there is often a pattern that we are practicing here.

Thoughts, body sensation, emotions, actions- they can play out in a very familiar loop. It’s easy to think: “Well, this is just who I am. It’s what I do.” You have been practicing this way of being for years and years.

And we are always practicing something.

There are small but powerful ways to shift the way we show up for ourselves by first putting attention to how we are practicing our daily routines, patterns and habits. Is the way that I’m doing this contributing to my life in a positive way? Is there a cost to this pattern that I’d love to shift? Is there another way I could be doing this?

If we see these patterns as practices, there is a way to try something different. And we can start with easy shifts by bringing in a new, simple practice. Name it a PRACTICE and you are supporting your deeper commitments to yourself, towards how you want to show up in your life.

Your morning shower can become a practice that helps you deepen into your favorite mood, preparing your coffee or putting the dishes into the washer can set you up for a more spacious, calmer approach to your day.

Notice the practices that you already have and celebrate that.

YES! I love my evening walks.

YES! I am great at connection in my morning chats with my kiddo.

YES! I really listen to my body in these moments.

YES! I take care of myself well in this way.

Highlighting a practice can shift a mundane task or moment. Shift from feeling rushed, tight, thinking of your lists for the day… to one that softens your pace, your mood and perspective to prepare for what’s ahead. Puts you in a supportive stance.

Mindful, slow, compassionate, spacious, ready.

Can you imagine that shift in your body?

What is possible with five minutes of intentional practice today calming the mind and allowing in more of the feelings that you really would love to feel.

Here are some simple ways to implement the power of practice:

  • Embrace the power of small, easy intentional practices. Don’t over complicate things. Pause to take in some deep breaths. Follow your attention into sensation. Let your eyes take in the nourishment of the life all around you, flourishing before you eyes. Feel your heart. Simple and sweet.
  • Think about what it is you are practicing now. With compassion, notice what you do now and how that works for you. Observe with love.
  • Gently lean towards the sunshine. Imagine making a slight, one degree shift towards what you’d like with a new routine or a different action.  How could a new practice move you towards a transformation over time?
  • Journal your thoughts. Change can feel daunting, no matter how positive that change will be in the long haul. Jot down your thoughts: the good, the bad, the overwhelming, the empowering…let yourself feel it all as you shift away from the mind into your heart.
  • Remember baby steps over time and that you are doing a really good job just as you are today. Celebrate what you are already doing now that is great! See yourself! Love yourself!

What are practices that bring you joy?

By identifying the things that keep us in our default patterns and routines, and taking ourselves seriously in the process, we can discover the intentional practices we can do to get us to where we desire to be.

To discover more about the power of practice and practical ways you can implement it, visit this blog by Strozzi Institute:


Dance! Make a playlist! Grab a partner or a plant. Shake it like you own it. Maybe even just a little skip to start. Hands down a SURE shift to your mood.

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