Ode to Injury


A recent arm injury reminded me of the great lessons that our body teaches us. As I went through the fear of not being able to work without a healthy body, I saw truths emerge that I would likely have missed without the physical jolt of pain and immobility.

There are some common and wonderful lessons to look out for with injuries that pose the following types of questions:

Am I resisting change in my life?
What can I change in my life to make my body and my soul happier?
Do I need to slow down?
Can I work on quality rather than quantity in any area of my life?
Is my body expressing something that my subconscious wants me to hear?
Am I happy with what I’m doing and how I’m doing it?
If I continue doing things the same way as always, will my body last?

Injury really gives us the opportunity to pause for a moment and reassess our choices and patterns. When we charge through recovery with only the end result in mind (like becoming pain free again) without that reflection, we might miss out on a great opportunity for growth and expanding awareness.

Thanks for speaking to me, body!

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