A few moments to sunshine

In these days of mellow winter energy, a great way to rev up in the morning is to take a moment to fill your energy tank to FULL before you head out. Here is my favorite mediation that I do as often as I can, in the morning or on a break in the day. It helps me to find my center, feel content in an imperfect world and create a little internal solar power.

Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet place with your eyes closed. Breathe thorough your nose and begin to notice your breath coming in and out of each nostril, filling your tummy and your chest and relaxing you with each exhale. Allow your breath to deepen and lengthen and notice any tight spots in your body. Release your tension as your breath comes in and out effortlessly. Imagine that there is infinite space around you that can fuel you with all of the energy, light, and love that you need.


On your inhale now, imagine that you are drawing light into your body. It’s a pure, positive light that fills every corner of your body. You can see the light  pouring into you like liquid. On your exhale, imagine breathing out any darkness and release that from your body. This can be any negative thoughts, fears or anything that feels dark to you, anything that no longer serves you. Just let that go out to the ethers.

3 breaths: breathe in light, breathe out darkness.


Now on your inhale, draw peace into your body. Fill your body up with calm serenity and let it expand within you. All is well. On your exhale, breathe out restlessness. There’s nothing out of place, no where else you need to be. Help your body to just let that go.

3 breaths: breathe in peace, breathe out restlessness.


Now inhale bliss. Let yourself fill with joy, happiness until you could burst with it. Feel that grow and settle into your entire being. You might find a smile. On your exhale, breathe out sorrow. Any lingering sadness or melancholy, let it go with your out-breath.

3 breaths: breathe in bliss, breathe out sorrow.


Allow yourself to sit for a few minutes, letting your body feel full of light, peace and bliss. Complete this meditation with three breaths:

Breathe in light, breathe out light.

Breathe in peace, breathe out peace.

Breathe in bliss, breathe out bliss.


And continue by having a beautiful, powerful day!


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