The Power of Practice Have you ever noticed yourself slipping into routines and patterns? Whether it\u2019s a way that you sort through your worry in your mind, finding yourself stuck in thought or attached to a certain way of doing things, there is often a pattern that we are practicing here. Thoughts, body sensation, emotions, actions- they can play out in a very familiar loop. It\u2019s easy to think: \u201cWell, this is just who I am. It\u2019s what I do.\u201d You have been practicing this way of being for years and years. And we are always practicing something. There are […]<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
We are naturally resilient beings. Somatic resilience is our ability to shift from states of hyper-vigilance and stress to a calmer, resourceful, and connected state. This shift helps us stay present and to see a brighter future. Resilience moves us toward strength, wholeness, possibility, and healing Resilience also guides us through our most challenging moments in life. There can be a subtle difference between resilience strategies and survival tactics. Resilience practices can prepare us to experience a fuller range of emotions and sensations.\u00a0 We practice feeling more alive, open and connected to what\u2019s around us in contrast to some of […]<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
Breathwork can be used to calm the nervous system, relax the body and bring you into the present moment. Breathwork can also be so energizing for your body and mind! Box Breathing is a simple practice that can help build resilience, a sense of calm quickly and effectively. The visual makes it an easy-to-remember tool to have in your back pocket for when you need a big shift or to come into the present moment. Box Breath Breathe in for four seconds Hold for four seconds Breathe out for four seconds Hold for four seconds Repeat<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
To date, my favourite explanation of somatic therapy is from generative somatics elder Staci Haines: The word Somatics comes from the Greek root soma which means \u201cthe living body in its wholeness.\u201d It\u2019s the best word we\u2019ve come up with in English to understand human beings as integrated mind\/body\/spirit, or a psycho-biology. This understanding is that people are not mind over matter (\u201cif I think differently I will be different\u201d), nor matter over mind or spirit (\u201ca change in chemistry or medication will wholly change my experience\u201d), rather we are all of these things combined – we are thinking and […]<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
I just have recently discovered in my journey of body love, and self-love that there are three separate components to my health right now. My food, my exercise, and the metrics of my health (age, size,\u00a0 chemical makeup, hormones, skin, energy levels). By separating these three things, I could see that I have a different relationship with each of these parts of me and it helps me feel less overwhelmed by an overall concept of: I\u2019d like to take better care of myself.\u00a0 The metrics of my body are separate from but totally connected to my food and exercise. But […]<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
Along with all of the fascinating lessons and changes that life continually brings, I wanted to share with you some of the deep peace I have felt in the gift of travel after so long.\u00a0 The sights and smells and sounds\u2026 the richness of being in a totally new place. The colors! I wish I could feel this wonder in my every day.I long to cultivate a practice to hear my own songbirds with the same new ears of delight and wonder that a tropical beach could bring. I would love to imagine my feet in my shoes in the […]<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
So much change. After living alone with just my son and I, my partner and his kiddos moved in. Such a wonderful soup of blending, merging, snuggles, and compromise. We have discovered so much sweetness alongside so many adjustments!\u00a0 The overwhelm of change has fleshed out in mysterious and fascinating ways. I think that with any change, no matter the quality or desire and willingness to evolve,\u00a0 there is also loss. I am a person who has adapted well to having many long nights on my own, puttering, self-caring in ways that unfold naturally. Lots of space have I had […]<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>
I have some seriously vulnerable things to share with you!!! I just survived my worst nightmare and am living to tell you about it\u2026. Healing through sharing\u2026here goes. I just went on a tropical beach vacation with my favorite people in the world\u2026in my most voluptuous body of my life in a swimsuit. That\u2019s it! I\u2019m embarrassed to say that this to me was an actual nightmare. My body was living this as if I were going to die. I was not ready for this. It was dawning on me that this intense amount of body shame I have had for myself my […]<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n<\/div>